Optimize Billing for Sustainable Revenue Growth in Your Urgent Care Center
Getting paid on time and in full is no easy task, especially for urgent care centers. From tackling high A/R days to following up with an endless list of payers and patients, your facility faces countless hurdles on the road to growth. Our team of specialized account managers, directed by your single point of contact, can evaluate your revenue cycle to identify opportunities for operational and financial improvement and craft scalable strategies specific to your needs. Complete this form to get started.
Schedule a Consultation With an Urgent Care RCM Expert
Is Your Current Urgent Care Billing Solution Hiding Revenue Leakage?
High volumes of small claims, neverending follow-ups, rampant billing and coding errors, and a mountain of claim denials — sound familiar? If so, your facility may be leaving significant money on the table. Solving these challenges is near impossible with an overstretched and inexperienced billing office. That’s where Med USA comes in. Med USA has solutions and services to fit your business, whether a single location, multiple locations in several states, or urgent care with primary care combined. Schedule an RCM consult with an urgent care billing expert to learn how you can:
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Why Outsource Urgent Care Billing to Med USA?
Average Increase in Payments
First Pass Claims Rate
34 A/R Days
Across All Specialties
Business Intelligence for Urgent Care Centers
Med USA is one of the only urgent care center RCM companies that provides full-disclosure access to every data point your facility needs to streamline billing, A/R management, reimbursements, follow-ups, and all other key processes required to improve your operational and financial performance. Our cloud-based business intelligence platform is fully customizable, helping your team gain visibility into each step of your revenue cycle. With Med USA’s business intelligence tool, your facility can leverage live data updates to uncover new revenue opportunities and forecast future business trends for long-term growth.
Maximize Revenue. Minimize A/R Days.
There are no long-term commitments for Med USA’s services and pricing is available on a simple per-application or per-task basis.