Which EHR is Right For Your Practice?
As the world becomes increasingly digital, so too do healthcare facilities. The rise of electronic health records and the ability to exchange a patient’s information electronically provides higher quality and safer care for patients while enhancing office efficiency. EHRs provide better-managed care for patients by allowing for accurate and complete information at the point of care — and no practitioner can dispute the value in said information.
Reduce Medical Errors
Being able to effectively diagnose patients and reduce medical errors allows for safer care of your patients. You can quickly call up a patient’s medical history and better prescribe care. There’s also value in streamlining coding, billing, and complete documentation — and for most doctors, the ability to access legible documentation is underrated. Simply stated, EHRs allow for decreased paperwork, too.
That’s where we come in. Med USA has zero hidden fees and everything we have to offer is included in one cost. Our EHRs allows any medical office the access and functionality it requires, with the ability to review all your provider needs from one screen. Whether you need to open and close notes, set up alerts for patient arrivals, or something entirely different, we can customize our templates for your needs.
Med Prime EHR
Med USA also brings you our Med Prime Electronic Health Records Software. Med Prime is ONC-ATCB certified to attest for “meaningful use” and takes advantage of incentive funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). With its customizable, user-friendly design, Med Prime increases efficiency and allows you to maintain the way you run your practice. Even better? Med Prime is capable of running on laptops, t, blets and iPads and includes live support and training.
We’ve been doing this for over 30 years. Contact us today to see how we can assist with your billing, EHR, and coding needs!
Ready to Add an EHR to Your Practice?
Talk to a Med USA Practice Management Expert Today!